Archive for February, 2009

Family preview

February 23, 2009

I got yet another chance to head out the Quad-City Botanical Gardens, so we could pretend it was summer for a family session with my favorite family. 🙂 You can check out some of their previous sessions here & here. I just got a chance to start editing, but these are two of my favorites so far, probably because the girls are just too adorable. I’m not sure if you can see it in the bottom picture, but she’s talking to a turtle, he’s hiding a bit behind the plants.

Argh… I’m getting old.

February 18, 2009

Excuse the melodramatic sounding title, I’m just being silly. Sorry for the lack of recent posts, we’re in the process of trying to buy a home, I’m working on a sample album project from last year and I have a portrait session that needs editing (look out for some super cute munchkin pictures) , but I felt like sharing today.
So anyways, remember thinking how dorky your mom was/is (love you, mom). Yeah so I always thought that wasn’t going to happen to me, nope, I was going to be a cool mom. Not that I’m actually cool, I’m pretty dorky, but I like to think it’s the cool art school kind of dorky (yeah probably not). Anyways, today I told my daughter she looked like Punky Brewster. So she rolls her eyes at me, and asks”who’s that mom?” with a little teenage attitude going on.
Yikes, so that’s my old lady story for today. 🙂

Friends & greenery …

February 8, 2009

Sorry, there haven’t been a lot of blog post lately. I don’t know what it is about winter that just makes you want to hibernate, but I’ll admit I’ve been a bit lazy lately. Hopefully spring takes over pretty soon cause I’m so ready to get out. Anyways last weekend I organized a meet-up for some local photographers (if your a photographer & you want to join us some time check out our group at and we all got to pretend it was nice out at the Quad City Botanical center. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some fun people & take some pictures. A big thanks goes out to Teresa Sellers, Lindsey Joens & Mandy Moore for modeling for our group. 🙂