Hopefully this post makes any sense, I just had my wisdom teeth out on Friday, and I’ve been on pain medication ever since. I had been putting it off for quite awhile now, but they’re finally out. I just want to say thanks to everyone who rescheduled appointments with me for this weekend, I really appreciate it. 🙂 Unfortunately I had to miss one of my best friends art show on Saturday, Shannon had some really fabulous pictures in it ( you can see them here: My favorite “Hope2”, my second favorite “Hope4”, Hope, Hope1, Hope3). I’m really excited for her, Shannon has been shooting weddings and portraits with me this summer and she’s working on getting her own portrait business going, I’ll post a link when she gets her site up!
Since I’m not doing much work this weekend because of the teeth thing, I thought I’d post some updates in my personal life.
August is crazy busy for my family, it seems we have an abundance of Leos. My sister, my daughter, my niece, two of my uncles & me. Crystal just turned 8 last week, and her birthday falls on my grandparents anniversary, which I always thought was sweet, my grandma likes to tell me that they were expecting my uncle to be born around their anniversary, so grandpa promised to get her a dozen roses if she had him on their anniversary, well she did, and he kept his promise. She tells it way better than I do, but I always thought it was sweet, and pretty special that my daughter was born the same day too.
Anyways we just had Crystal’s party last weekend and Thursday she went out & spent her birthday money on a super cute pink guitar (even though she hates pink).
As I’m writing this Cory just came home & surprised me with birthday cake (we’ll see if I can eat it) and ice cream, and some movies! Awe, he’s a sweetie, my birthday isn’t until Monday, and he already took me out to see The Dark Knight a few weeks ago (awesome movie by the way!). Ok, I don’t think I can sit up at the computer much longer. Here’s a few pictures of my other munchkin, Anakin. Have a good weekend everybody!